2010-09-09 @ 21:56:28
That sick feeling in your stomach when you find out something you didnt want to know.
2010-08-29 @ 19:56:23
Never regret anything, Because at the time; it was exactly what you wanted.
If i say.
2010-08-19 @ 22:39:04
Vill bara prata med dig hela tiden, de ska inte vara så; tycker jag.
What else can I do, you're so beautiful how can I go on.
2010-08-17 @ 00:59:40
I would take the pain away.
2010-08-13 @ 16:12:36
And I've hurt myself by hurting you; Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit. Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss and it's so hard to say goodbye, when it comes to this.
2010-08-12 @ 04:14:28
Last night, somehow, feels likes a lifetime ago.
2010-08-11 @ 01:21:26
You’ll never find the right person, if you don’t let go of the wrong one.
Andreas Wijk - Be mine.
2010-08-10 @ 14:21:01
keep smiling, it makes people wonder what youre up to.
No one.
2010-08-10 @ 02:02:05
No one’s laughing at God, when they see the one they love, hand in hand with someone else.
No one’s laughing at God, when they’ve lost all they’ve got.
No one’s laughing at God, when they’ve lost all they’ve got.
I was so wrong for so long.
2010-08-09 @ 19:04:51
För du är en idiot, och jag orkar inte bry mig om dig längre.
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare.
2010-08-09 @ 03:19:11
Dum av dig.
2010-08-08 @ 15:57:41
The drugs begin to peak.
A smile of joy arrives in me.
But sedation changes to panic and nausea.
And breath starts to shorten.
And heartbeats pound softer.
You won't try to save me!
You just want to hurt me and leave me desperate!
You taught my heart, a sense I never knew I had.
I can forget, the times that I was.
Lost and depressed from the awful truth.
How do you do it?
You're my heroine!
But sedation changes to panic and nausea.
And breath starts to shorten.
And heartbeats pound softer.
You won't try to save me!
You just want to hurt me and leave me desperate!
You taught my heart, a sense I never knew I had.
I can forget, the times that I was.
Lost and depressed from the awful truth.
How do you do it?
You're my heroine!
Thank you love for making my heart laugh.
2010-08-07 @ 19:12:16
I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own.
I fell for you because I loved your lies
I fell for you because I loved your lies
"I'm a girl. I have feelings. I overreact. I underestimate. I overestimate. I over think everything.
I look too deep into everything's meaning. I dream big. My expectations are high. I can tell when I'm being lied to but sometimes I wish I didn't. Yes I get jealous, and I'm always scared I'll lose you. That's why when I ask how you are, I mean it. When I ask how was your day, I genuinely want to know. And when I say I love you, I'm not lying."
I'm always going to be that one person..
that no matter what I do or say or how many times I hurt you,
you just can't let me go because I mean that much to you
2010-08-05 @ 01:44:39
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
you can hold my hand if you want to
Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be lovers and share our secret worlds
And I miss you like a child misses their blanket
you looked right through me
They want my treasure so they get their pleasures
.. from my photo of you
I will dry your tears
Take away your fears
Let me be your shelter
Your heart is safe in here
So beautiful and pure
There is nothing I would not endure.
you can hold my hand if you want to
Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be lovers and share our secret worlds
And I miss you like a child misses their blanket
you looked right through me
They want my treasure so they get their pleasures
.. from my photo of you
I will dry your tears
Take away your fears
Let me be your shelter
Your heart is safe in here
So beautiful and pure
There is nothing I would not endure.
A hero of war, yes that's what I'll be.
2010-08-05 @ 01:28:53